js 属于动态类型语言,例如
obj 可能只是个字符串
obj 也有可能是个函数
| test(()=>console.log('hello, world'))
obj 类型不确定,就给后期使用者带来了麻烦,一旦参数传不对,代码就崩溃了
- 运行代码时才知道发生什么 (running the code to see what happens)
- 在代码运行前,就对它的行为做出预测 (make predications about what code is expected before it runs)
下面的 typescript 代码,就在代码运行前对参数加入了约束限制
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| function test(msg : string) { }
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| function test(msg : Function) { msg() }
安装 typescript 编译器
| npm install -g typescript
编写 ts 代码
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| function hello(msg: string) { console.log(msg) }
执行 tsc 编译命令
编译生成 js 代码,编译后进行了类型擦除
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| function hello(msg) { console.log(msg); } hello('hello,world');
再来一个例子,用 interface 定义用户类型
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| interface User { name: string, age: number }
function test(u: User): void { console.log(u.name) console.log(u.age) }
test({ name: 'zhangs', age: 18 })
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| function test(u) { console.log(u.name); console.log(u.age); } test({ name: 'zhangs', age: 18 });
可见,typescript 属于编译时实施类型检查(静态类型)的技术
类型 |
例 |
备注 |
字符串类型 |
string |
数字类型 |
number |
布尔类型 |
boolean |
数组类型 |
number[],string[], boolean[] 依此类推 |
任意类型 |
any |
相当于又回到了没有类型的时代 |
复杂类型 |
type 与 interface |
函数类型 |
() => void |
对函数的参数和返回值进行说明 |
字面量类型 |
“a”\ |
“b”\ |
“c” |
限制变量或参数的取值 |
nullish类型 |
null 与 undefined |
泛型 |
<T> ,<T extends 父类型> |
| let message: string = 'hello,world'
- 一般可以省略,因为可以根据后面的字面量推断出前面变量类型
| let message = 'hello,world'
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| function greet(name: string) { }
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| const names = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Eve'] const lowercaseNames = names.map((e: string) => e.toLowerCase())
- 可以用类型推断,推断出 e 是 string 类型
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| function add(a: number, b: number) : number { return a + b }
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| type Cat = { name: string, age: number }
const c1: Cat = { name: '小白', age: 1 } const c2: Cat = { name: '小花' } const c3: Cat = { name: '小黑', age: 1, sex: '公' }
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| interface Cat { name: string, age: number }
const c1: Cat = { name: '小白', age: 1 } const c2: Cat = { name: '小花' } const c3: Cat = { name: '小黑', age: 1, sex: '公' }
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| interface Cat { name: string, age?: number }
const c1: Cat = { name: '小白', age: 1 } const c2: Cat = { name: '小花' }
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| interface Cat { name: string }
function test(cat: Cat) { console.log(cat.name) }
const c1 = { name: '小白', age: 1 } test(c1)
- const c1 并没有声明类型为 Cat,但它与 Cat 类型有一样的属性,也可以被当作是 Cat 类型
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| interface Api { foo(): void, bar(str: string): string }
function test(api: Api) { api.foo() console.log(api.bar('hello')) }
test({ foo() { console.log('ok') }, bar(str: string) { return str.toUpperCase() } })
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| function printText(s: string, alignment: "left" | "right" | "center") { console.log(s, alignment) }
printText('hello', 'left') printText('hello', 'aaa')
nullish 类型
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| function test(x?: string | null) { console.log(x?.toUpperCase()) }
test('aaa') test(null) test()
- x?: string | null 表示可能是 undefined 或者是 string 或者是 null
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| interface RefString { value: string }
interface RefNumber { value: number }
interface RefBoolean { value: boolean }
const r1: RefString = { value: 'hello' } const r2: RefNumber = { value: 123 } const r3: RefBoolean = { value: true }
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| interface Ref<T> { value: T }
const r1: Ref<string> = { value: 'hello' } const r2: Ref<number> = { value: 123 } const r3: Ref<boolean> = { value: true }
- 泛型的要点就是
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| function ref<T>(n: T): Ref<T> { return { value: n } }
const v1 = ref("hello"); const v2 = ref(123.3333);
v1.value.toLocaleLowerCase() v2.value.toFixed(2)
现在越来越多的前端框架采用 typescript,如果懂 typescript 语法,可以更好地阅读框架代码
以 Map 为例
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| const map = new Map<string, string>() map .set("a", "b") .set("c", "d")
map.forEach((value,key,m)=>{ console.log(value, key) })
- 注意编译需要
tsc --target es6 .\xxx.ts
例如,从服务器返回的一段 json,如果不用 typescript,则编辑器也不能给出准确的提示
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| interface User { name: string, age: number }
const user: User = JSON.parse(`{ "name":"张三", "age":18 }`)
关于 TypeScript 与 JavaScript 中的类语法不是重点,class 相关语法只是起到辅助作用,更重要的是前面讲的 interface
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| class User { name: string; constructor(name: string) { this.name = name } }
const u = new User('张三')
其实会被编译成这个样子(默认 —target=es3)
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| var User = (function () { function User(name) { this.name = name; } return User; }()); var u = new User('张三');
所以 js 中的 class,并不等价于 java 中的 class,它还是基于原型实现的。
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| class User { readonly name: string; constructor(name: string) { this.name = name } }
const u = new User('张三') u.name = '李四'
- readonly 是 typescript 特有的,表示该属性只读
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| class User { readonly name: string; constructor(name: string) { this.name = name }
study() { console.log(`[${this.name}]正在学习`) } }
const u = new User('张三') u.study()
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| class User { _name: string;
constructor(name: string) { this._name = name }
get name() { return this._name }
set name(name: string) { this._name = name } }
const u = new User('张三') console.log(u.name) u.name = '李四' console.log(u.name)
- 注意,需要在编译时加上
tsc --target es6 .\xxx.ts
- es6 等价于 es2015,再此之上还有 es2016 … es2022
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| interface User { name: string study(course: string): void }
class UserImpl implements User { name: string; constructor(name: string) { this.name = name } study(course: string) { console.log(`[${this.name}]正在学习[${course}]`) } foo() { } }
const user: User = new UserImpl('张三') user.study('Typescript') user.foo()
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| interface Flyable { fly(): void }
class Animal { name: string; constructor(name: string) { this.name = name } }
class Bird extends Animal implements Flyable { fly() { console.log(`${this.name}在飞翔`) } }
const b: Flyable & Animal = new Bird("小花") b.fly()
- Flyable & Animal 表示变量是 flyable 类型,同时也是 Animal 类型
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| class Father { study(): void { console.log(`father study`) } }
class Son extends Father { study(): void { super.study() console.log(`son study`) } }
const f: Father = new Son() f.study()