- Vue
- 选项式 API 还是 组合式 API✔️
- HTML 还是 单文件组件✔️
- 语法
- javascript 还是 typescript✔️
- 构建工具
- 路由
- 共享存储
- 视图组件
采用 vite 作为前端项目的打包,构建工具
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| cd 项目目录 npm install npm run dev
编码 IDE
推荐采用微软的 VSCode 作为开发工具,到它的官网 Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined 下载安装即可
要对 *.vue 做语法支持,还要安装一个 Volar 插件
打开项目根目录下 vite.config.ts
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| import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
export default defineConfig({ plugins: [vue()], server: { port: 7070 } })
为了避免前后端服务器联调时, fetch、xhr 请求产生跨域问题,需要配置代理,同样是修改项目根目录下 vite.config.ts
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| import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
export default defineConfig({ plugins: [vue()], server: { port: 7070, proxy: { '/api': { target: 'http://localhost:8080', changeOrigin: true } } } })
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| index.html package.json tsconfig.json vite.config.ts ├─public └─src ├─assets ├─components ├─model ├─router ├─store └─views
- index.html 为主页面
- package.json npm 配置文件
- tsconfig.json typescript 配置文件
- vite.config.ts vite 配置文件
- public 静态资源
- src/components 可重用组件
- src/model 模型定义
- src/router 路由
- src/store 共享存储
- src/views 视图组件
Vue 组件
Vue 的组件文件以 .vue 结尾,每个组件由三部分组成
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| <script setup lang="ts"></script>
<style scoped></style>
- script 代码部分,控制模板的数据来源和行为
- template 模板部分,由它生成 html 代码
- style 样式部分,一般不咋关心
根组件是 src/App.vue,先来个 Hello,world 例子
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| <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref } from "vue"; let msg = ref("hello"); // 把数据变成响应式的
function change() { msg.value = "world"; console.log(msg); } </script> <template> <h1>{{ msg }}</h1> <input type="button" value="修改msg" @click="change" /> </template>
- 用来把一个变量绑定到页面上某个位置
- 绑定的变量必须用 ref 函数来封装
- ref 返回的是【响应式】数据,即数据一旦变化,页面展示也跟着变化
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| import { createApp } from 'vue' import './style.css' import App from './App.vue'
createApp(App) .mount('#app')
- createApp 是创建一个 Vue 应用程序,它接收的参数 App 即之前我们看到的根组件
- mount 就是把根组件生成的 html 代码片段【挂载】到 index.html 中 id 为 app 的 html 元素上
新建 src/views/E0.vue,内容如下
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| <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref } from 'vue' const msg = ref('Hello, World!!') </script> <template> <h1>{{ msg }}</h1> </template>
修改 main.ts 将自己的组件文件挂载
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| import { createApp } from 'vue' import './style.css'
import E0 from './views/E0.vue'
ref 与 reactive
vue 提供了两个函数,都可以将数据变为【响应式】的
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| <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref, reactive } from 'vue' const msg = ref('Hello, World') const user = reactive({ name: '张三' }) </script>
<template> <h2>{{msg}}</h2> <h2>{{user.name}}</h2> </template>
- ref 能将任意类型的数据变为【响应式】的
- reactive 只能将对象类型变为【响应式】,对基本类型无效(例如 string,number,boolean)
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| <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref, reactive } from 'vue' const u1 = ref({ name: '张三' }) const u2 = reactive({ name: '张三' })
function test() { console.log(u1.value) console.log(u2) }
test() </script> <template> <h2>{{u1.name}}</h2> <h2>{{u2.name}}</h2> </template>
- 在 template 模板中使用 ref 包装的数据,直接写【变量名】就可以了
- 但在代码中要使用 ref 包装的数据,必须用【变量名.value】才能访问到
- reactive 包装的数据,在模板中和代码中都是一致的
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| <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref } from 'vue' const path = ref('/src/assets/vue.svg')
<template> <img :src="path" alt=""> </template>
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| <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref } from 'vue' const count = ref(0) function dec() { count.value-- } function inc() { count.value++ } </script>
<template> <input type="button" value="-" @click="dec"> <h2>{{count}}</h2> <input type="button" value="+" @click="inc"> </template>
- 【@事件名】用来将标签属性与函数绑定,事件发生后执行函数内代码
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| <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref } from "vue"; const user = ref({ name:'张三', age:18, sex:'男', fav:['游泳','打球'] })
function saveUser() { console.log(user.value) } </script>
<template> <div class="outer"> <div> <label for="">请输入姓名</label> <input type="text" v-model="user.name"/> </div> <div> <label for="">请输入年龄</label> <input type="text" v-model="user.age"/> </div> <div> <label for="">请选择性别</label> 男 <input type="radio" value="男" v-model="user.sex"/> 女 <input type="radio" value="女" v-model="user.sex"/> </div> <div> <label for="">请选择爱好</label> 游泳 <input type="checkbox" value="游泳" v-model="user.fav"/> 打球 <input type="checkbox" value="打球" v-model="user.fav"/> 健身 <input type="checkbox" value="健身" v-model="user.fav"/> </div> <div> <input type="button" value="保存" @click="saveUser"> </div> </div> </template>
<style scoped> div { margin-bottom: 8px; } .outer { width: 100%; position: relative; padding-left: 80px; } label { text-align: left; width: 100px; display: inline-block; position: absolute; left :0; } </style>
- 用 v-model 实现双向绑定,即
- javascript 数据可以同步到表单标签
- 反过来用户在表单标签输入的新值也会同步到 javascript 这边
- 双向绑定只适用于表单这种带【输入】功能的标签,其它标签的数据绑定,单向就足够了
- 复选框这种标签,双向绑定的 javascript 数据类型一般用数组
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| <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref } from 'vue' const firstName = ref('三') const lastName = ref('张')
<template> <h2>{{lastName + firstName}}</h2> <h3>{{lastName + firstName}}</h3> <h4>{{lastName + firstName}}</h4> </template>
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| <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref, computed } from 'vue' const firstName = ref('三') const lastName = ref('张') const fullName = computed(() => { console.log('enter') return lastName.value + firstName.value }) </script>
<template> <h2>{{fullName}}</h2> <h3>{{fullName}}</h3> <h4>{{fullName}}</h4> </template>
- fullName 即为计算属性,它具备缓存功能,即 firstName 和 lastName 的值发生了变化,才会重新计算
- 如果用函数实现相同功能,则没有缓存功能
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| <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref } from 'vue' const firstName = ref('三') const lastName = ref('张') function fullName() { console.log('enter') return lastName.value + firstName.value } </script> <template> <h2>{{fullName()}}</h2> <h3>{{fullName()}}</h3> <h4>{{fullName()}}</h4> </template>
浏览器中有两套 API 可以和后端交互,发送请求、接收响应,fetch api 前面我们已经介绍过了,另一套 api 是 xhr,基本用法如下
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| const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() xhr.onload = function() { console.log(xhr.response) } xhr.open('GET', 'http://localhost:8080/api/students') xhr.responseType = "json" xhr.send()
但这套 api 虽然功能强大,但比较老,不直接支持 Promise,因此有必要对其进行改造
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| function get(url: string) { return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() xhr.onload = function() { if(xhr.status === 200){ resolve(xhr.response) } else if(xhr.status === 404) { reject(xhr.response) } } xhr.open('GET', url) xhr.responseType = 'json' xhr.send() }) }
- Promise 对象适合用来封装异步操作,并可以配合 await 一齐使用
- Promise 在构造时,需要一个箭头函数,箭头函数有两个参数 resolve 和 reject
- resolve 是异步操作成功时被调用,把成功的结果传递给它,最后会作为 await 的结果返回
- reject 在异步操作失败时被调用,把失败的结果传递给它,最后在 catch 块被捉住
- await 会一直等到 Promise 内调用了 resolve 或 reject 才会继续向下运行
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| try { const resp = await get("http://localhost:8080/api/students") console.log(resp) } catch (e) { console.error(e) }
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| try { const resp = await get('/api/students') console.log(resp) } catch(e) { console.log(e) }
axios 就是对 xhr api 的封装,语法与前面例子类似
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| <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref, onMounted } from "vue"; import axios from "axios";
let count = ref(0);
async function getStudents() { try { const resp = await axios.get("/api/students"); count.value = resp.data.data.length; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }
onMounted(() => { getStudents() }) </script>
<template> <h2>学生人数为:{{ count }}</h2> </template>
- onMounted 指 vue 组件生成的 html 代码片段,挂载完毕后被执行
再来看一个 post 例子
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| <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref } from "vue"; import axios from "axios";
const student = ref({ name: '', sex: '男', age: 18 })
async function addStudent() { console.log(student.value) const resp = await axios.post('/api/students', student.value) console.log(resp.data.data) } </script>
<template> <div> <div> <input type="text" placeholder="请输入姓名" v-model="student.name"/> </div> <div> <label for="">请选择性别</label> 男 <input type="radio" value="男" v-model="student.sex"/> 女 <input type="radio" value="女" v-model="student.sex"/> </div> <div> <input type="number" placeholder="请输入年龄" v-model="student.age"/> </div> <div> <input type="button" value="添加" @click="addStudent"/> </div> </div> </template> <style scoped> div { font-size: 14px; } </style>
- 开发环境下,联调的后端服务器地址是
- 上线改为生产环境后,后端服务器地址为
这就要求我们区分开发环境和生产环境,这件事交给构建工具 vite 来做
默认情况下,vite 支持上面两种环境,分别对应根目录下两个配置文件
- .env.development - 开发环境
- .env.production - 生产环境
| VITE_BACKEND_API_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8080'
| VITE_BACKEND_API_BASE_URL = 'http://itheima.com'
然后在代码中使用 vite 给我们提供的特殊对象 import.meta.env
| import.meta.env.VITE_BACKEND_API_BASE_URL
默认情况下,不能智能提示自定义的环境变量,做如下配置:新增文件 src/env.d.ts
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interface ImportMetaEnv { readonly VITE_BACKEND_API_BASE_URL: string }
interface ImportMeta { readonly env: ImportMetaEnv }
可以自己创建一个 axios 对象,方便添加默认设置,新建文件 /src/api/request.ts
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| import axios from 'axios' const _axios = axios.create({ baseURL: import.meta.env.VITE_BACKEND_API_BASE_URL })
export default _axios
然后在其它组件中引用这个 ts 文件,例如 /src/views/E8.vue,就不用自己拼接路径前缀了
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| <script setup lang="ts"> import axios from '../api/request' // ... await axios.post('/api/students', ...) </script>
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| import axios from 'axios' const _axios = axios.create({ baseURL: import.meta.env.VITE_BACKEND_API_BASE_URL })
_axios.interceptors.request.use( (config)=>{ config.headers = { Authorization: 'aaa.bbb.ccc' } return config }, (error)=>{ return Promise.reject(error) } )
_axios.interceptors.response.use( (response)=>{ if(response.data.code === 200) { return response } else if(response.data.code === 401) { return Promise.resolve({}) } }, (error)=>{ console.error(error) if(error.response.status === 400) { } else if(error.response.status === 401) { } return Promise.resolve({}) } )
export default _axios
- 后端返回的是标准响应状态码,这时会走响应拦截器第二个箭头函数,用 error.response.status 做分支判断
- 后端返回的响应状态码总是200,用自定义错误码表示出错,这时会走响应拦截器第一个箭头函数,用 response.data.code 做分支判断
- Promise.reject(error) 类似于将异常继续向上抛出,异常由调用者(Vue组件)来配合 try … catch 来处理
- Promise.resolve({}) 表示错误已解决,返回一个空对象,调用者中接到这个空对象时,需要配合 ?. 来避免访问不存在的属性
首先,新增模型数据 src/model/Model8080.ts
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| export interface Student { id: number; name: string; sex: string; age: number; }
export interface SpringError { timestamp: string, status: number, error: string, message: string, path: string }
export interface SpringList<T> { data: T[], message?: string, code: number }
export interface SpringPage<T> { data: { list: T[], total: number }, message?: string, code: number }
export interface SpringString { data: string, message?: string, code: number }
import { AxiosResponse } from 'axios' export interface AxiosRespError extends AxiosResponse<SpringError> { } export interface AxiosRespList<T> extends AxiosResponse<SpringList<T>> { } export interface AxiosRespPage<T> extends AxiosResponse<SpringPage<T>> { } export interface AxiosRespString extends AxiosResponse<SpringString> { }
- AxiosRespPage 代表分页时的响应类型
- AxiosRespList 代表返回集合时的响应类型
- AxiosRespString 代表返回字符串时的响应类型
- AxiosRespError 代表 Spring 出错时时的响应类型
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| <script lang="ts" setup> import { ref, onMounted } from "vue"; import axios from "../api/request"; import { Student, SpringList } from "../model/Model8080";
// 说明 students 数组类型为 Student[] const students = ref<Student[]>([]);
async function getStudents() { // 说明 resp.data 类型是 SpringList<Student> const resp = await axios.get<SpringList<Student>>("/api/students"); console.log(resp.data.data); students.value = resp.data.data; }
onMounted(() => getStudents()); </script> <template> <div class="outer"> <div class="title">学生列表</div> <div class="thead"> <div class="row bold"> <div class="col">编号</div> <div class="col">姓名</div> <div class="col">性别</div> <div class="col">年龄</div> </div> </div> <div class="tbody"> <div v-if="students.length === 0">暂无数据</div> <template v-else> <div class="row" v-for="s of students" :key="s.id"> <div class="col">{{ s.id }}</div> <div class="col">{{ s.name }}</div> <div class="col">{{ s.sex }}</div> <div class="col">{{ s.age }}</div> </div> </template> </div> </div> </template> <style scoped> .outer { font-family: 华文行楷; font-size: 20px; width: 500px; }
.title { margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 30px; color: #333; text-align: center; }
.row { background-color: #fff; display: flex; justify-content: center; }
.col { border: 1px solid #f0f0f0; width: 15%; height: 35px; text-align: center; line-height: 35px; }
.bold .col { background-color: #f1f1f1; } </style>
- 加入泛型是为了更好的提示
- v-if 与 v-else 不能和 v-for 处于同一标签
- template 标签还有一个用途,就是用它少生成一层真正 html 代码
- 可以看到将结果封装为响应式数据还是比较繁琐的,后面会使用 useRequest 改进
原本只是数据变化 => 页面更新
watch 可以在数据变化时 => 其它更新
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| <template> <input type="text" v-model="name" /> </template>
<script setup lang="ts"> import { ref, watch } from "vue"; function useStorage(name: string) { const data = ref(sessionStorage.getItem(name) ?? ""); watch(data, (newValue) => { sessionStorage.setItem(name, newValue); }); return data; } const name = useStorage("name"); </script>
- 名称为 useXXXX 的函数,作用是返回带扩展功能的【响应式】数据
- localStorage 即使浏览器关闭,数据还在
- sessionStorage 数据工作在浏览器活动期间
| npm install @vueuse/core
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| <template> <h3>X: {{x}}</h3> <h3>Y: {{y}}</h3>
<h3>{{count}}</h3> <input type="button" @click="inc()" value="+"> <input type="button" @click="dec()" value="-">
<input type="text" v-model="name"> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import { useMouse, useCounter, useStorage } from '@vueuse/core'
const {x, y} = useMouse()
const {count, inc, dec} = useCounter()
const name = useStorage("name", "") </script>
响应式的 axios 封装,官网地址 一个 Vue 请求库 | VueRequest (attojs.org)
首先安装 vue-request
| npm install vue-request@next
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| <template> <h3 v-if="students.length === 0">暂无数据</h3> <ul v-else> <li v-for="s of students" :key="s.id"> <span>{{s.name}}</span> <span>{{s.sex}}</span> <span>{{s.age}}</span> </li> </ul> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import axios from "../api/request" import { useRequest } from 'vue-request' import { computed } from 'vue' import { AxiosRespList, Student } from '../model/Model8080'
// data 代表就是 axios 的响应对象 const { data } = useRequest<AxiosRespList<Student>>(() => axios.get('/api/students'))
const students = computed(()=>{ return data?.value?.data.data || [] }) </script> <style scoped> ul li { list-style: none; font-family: "华文行楷"; }
li span:nth-child(1) { font-size: 24px; } li span:nth-child(2) { font-size: 12px; color: crimson; vertical-align: bottom; } li span:nth-child(3) { font-size: 12px; color: darkblue; vertical-align: top; } </style>
- data.value 的取值一开始是 undefined,随着响应返回变成 axios 的响应对象
- 用 computed 进行适配
在 src/model/Model8080.ts 中补充类型说明
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| export interface StudentQueryDto { name?: string, sex?: string, age?: string, page: number, size: number }
- js 中类似于 18,20 这样以逗号分隔字符串,会在 get 传参时转换为 java 中的整数数组
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| <template> <input type="text" placeholder="请输入姓名" v-model="dto.name"> <select v-model="dto.sex"> <option value="" selected>请选择性别</option> <option value="男">男</option> <option value="女">女</option> </select> <input type="text" placeholder="请输入年龄范围" v-model="dto.age"> <br> <input type="text" placeholder="请输入页码" v-model="dto.page"> <input type="text" placeholder="请输入页大小" v-model="dto.size"> <input type="button" value="搜索" @click="search"> <hr> <h3 v-if="students.length === 0">暂无数据</h3> <ul v-else> <li v-for="s of students" :key="s.id"> <span>{{s.name}}</span> <span>{{s.sex}}</span> <span>{{s.age}}</span> </li> </ul> <hr> 总记录数{{total}} 总页数{{totalPage}} </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import axios from "../api/request" import { usePagination } from 'vue-request' import { computed, ref } from 'vue' import { AxiosRespPage, Student, StudentQueryDto } from '../model/Model8080'
const dto = ref<StudentQueryDto>({name:'', sex:'', age:'', page:1, size:5})
// data 代表就是 axios 的响应对象 // 泛型参数1: 响应类型 // 泛型参数2: 请求类型 const { data, total, totalPage, run } = usePagination<AxiosRespPage<Student>, StudentQueryDto[]>( (d) => axios.get('/api/students/q', {params: d}), // 箭头函数 { defaultParams: [ dto.value ], // 默认参数, 会作为参数传递给上面的箭头函数 pagination: { currentKey: 'page', // 指明当前页属性 pageSizeKey: 'size', // 指明页大小属性 totalKey: 'data.data.total' // 指明总记录数属性 } } // 选项 )
const students = computed(()=>{ return data?.value?.data.data.list || [] })
function search() { run(dto.value) // 会作为参数传递给usePagination的箭头函数 } </script> <style scoped> ul li { list-style: none; font-family: "华文行楷"; }
li span:nth-child(1) { font-size: 24px; } li span:nth-child(2) { font-size: 12px; color: crimson; vertical-align: bottom; } li span:nth-child(3) { font-size: 12px; color: darkblue; vertical-align: top; } input,select { width: 100px; } </style>
- usePagination 只需要定义一次,后续还想用它内部的 axios 发请求,只需调用 run 函数
定义子组件 Child1
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| <template> <div class="container"> <div class="card"> <div> <p class="name">{{name}}</p> <p class="location">{{country}}</p> </div> <img :src="avatar || '/src/assets/vue.svg'"/> </div> </div> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> // 定义属性, 编译宏 defineProps<{name:string,country:string,avatar?:string}>() </script> <style scoped> .container { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-evenly; flex-direction: row-reverse; } .name { font-weight: bold; } .location { font-size: 0.8em; color: #6d597a; } .card { display: flex; justify-content: space-evenly; padding: 1em; margin: 1rem; border-radius: 5px; background: #fff; width: 200px; box-shadow: 0 14px 28px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), 0 10px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.22); }
.card:hover { transform: rotate(-5deg); }
.card img { margin-left: 1em; border-radius: 50%; max-width: 55px; max-height: 55px; } </style>
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| <template> <Child1 name="张三" country="中国" avatar="/src/assets/vue.svg"></Child1> <Child1 name="李四" country="印度" avatar="/vite.svg"></Child1> <Child1 name="王五" country="韩国" ></Child1> </template> <script lang="ts" setup> import Child1 from '../components/Child1.vue'; </script>
首先添加类型说明 model/ModelRandomUser.ts
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| import { AxiosResponse } from "axios"; export interface AxiosRespResults extends AxiosResponse<Results>{}
export interface Results { info: { page: number, results: number }, results: Result[] }
export interface Result { gender: 'male' | 'female', name: { first: string, last: string }, location: { country: string }, picture: { medium: string }, login: { username: string } }
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| <!-- 父组件 --> <template> <Child1 v-for="u of users" :name="u.name.first" :country="u.location.country" :avatar="u.picture.medium" :key="u.login.username"></Child1> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import axios from "axios"; import { useRequest } from "vue-request"; import { computed } from "vue"; import { AxiosRespResults } from '../model/ModelRandomUser' import Child1 from "../components/Child1.vue";
const { data } = useRequest<AxiosRespResults>( ()=>axios.get('https://randomuser.me/api/?results=3') )
const users = computed(()=>{ return data.value?.data.results || [] }) </script>
如果觉得 Result 数据结构嵌套太复杂,还可以做一个类型映射
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| <!-- 父组件 --> <template> <Child1 v-for="u of users" :name="u.name" :country="u.country" :avatar="u.avatar" :key="u.username"></Child1> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import axios from "axios"; import { useRequest } from "vue-request"; import { computed } from "vue"; import { AxiosRespResults, Result } from '../model/ModelRandomUser' import Child1 from "../components/Child1.vue";
const { data } = useRequest<AxiosRespResults>( ()=>axios.get('https://randomuser.me/api/?results=3') )
const users = computed(()=>{ return data.value?.data.results.map(resultToUser) || [] })
interface User { name: string, country: string, avatar: string, username: string } function resultToUser(r:Result):User { return { name: r.name.first, country: r.location.country, avatar: r.picture.medium, username: r.login.username } } </script>
- resultToUser 将 Result 类型映射为 User 类型
| npm install ant-design-vue
引入 antdv 功能,修改 main.ts
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| import { createApp } from 'vue' import './style.css' import App from './App.vue' import antd from 'ant-design-vue' import 'ant-design-vue/dist/antd.css'
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| <template> <!-- <a-table :columns="columns" :dataSource="students" rowKey="id"></a-table> --> <a-table :columns="columns" :dataSource="students" :rowKey="rowKey"></a-table> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import axios from "../api/request"; import { ref, computed } from "vue"; import { useRequest } from "vue-request"; import { AxiosRespList, Student } from "../model/Model8080";
const {data} = useRequest<AxiosRespList<Student>>( ()=>axios.get('/api/students') )
const students = computed(()=>{ return data.value?.data.data || [] })
function rowKey(r:Student) { return r.id }
const columns = ref([ { title:'编号', dataIndex:'id' }, { title:'姓名', dataIndex:'name' }, { title:'性别', dataIndex:'sex' }, { title:'年龄', dataIndex:'age' } ]) </script>
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| <template> <a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="students" row-key="id" :pagination="pagination" @change="tableChange"></a-table> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import axios from "../api/request"; import { ref, computed } from "vue"; import { usePagination } from "vue-request"; import { AxiosRespPage, Student, StudentQueryDto } from "../model/Model8080"; import { PaginationProps } from "ant-design-vue"; import DateBody from "ant-design-vue/lib/vc-picker/panels/DatePanel/DateBody";
const dto = ref({page: 1, size: 5})
const {data, total, run} = usePagination<AxiosRespPage<Student>, StudentQueryDto[]>( (d)=> axios.get('/api/students/q', {params:d}), { defaultParams: [dto.value], pagination: { currentKey: "page", pageSizeKey: 'size', totalKey: 'data.data.total' } } )
// 在页号或页大小改变时调用 function tableChange(pagination: PaginationProps) { console.log(pagination) dto.value.page = pagination.current ?? 1 dto.value.size = pagination.pageSize ?? 5 run(dto.value) }
const pagination = computed<PaginationProps>(()=>{ return { current: dto.value.page, // 当前页 pageSize: dto.value.size, // 页大小 total: total.value, // 总记录数 showSizeChanger: true, // 显示页大小的下拉列表 pageSizeOptions: ["1","2","3","4","5"] // 自定义下拉列表内容 } })
const students = computed(()=>{ return data.value?.data.data.list || [] })
const columns = ref([ { title: "编号", dataIndex: "id", }, { title: "姓名", dataIndex: "name", }, { title: "性别", dataIndex: "sex", }, { title: "年龄", dataIndex: "age", }, ]); </script>
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| <template> <a-row> <a-col :span="2"> <a-button type="primary" size="small">新增</a-button> </a-col> <a-col :span="4"> <a-popconfirm title="确认要删除选中学生吗?" ok-text="确定" cancel-text="取消" @confirm="onDeleteIds" @visibleChange="onVisibleChange" :visible="visible"> <a-button type="primary" size="small">删除选中</a-button> </a-popconfirm> </a-col> <a-col :span="4"> </a-col> <a-col :span="4"> <a-input v-model:value="dto.name" placeholder="输姓名" size="small"></a-input> </a-col> <a-col :span="4"> <a-select v-model:value="dto.sex" placeholder="选性别" :allowClear="true" size="small"> <a-select-option value="男">男</a-select-option> <a-select-option value="女">女</a-select-option> </a-select> </a-col> <a-col :span="4"> <a-select v-model:value="dto.age" placeholder="选年龄" :allowClear="true" size="small"> <a-select-option value="0,20">20以下</a-select-option> <a-select-option value="21,30">21~30</a-select-option> <a-select-option value="31,40">31~40</a-select-option> <a-select-option value="40,120">40以上</a-select-option> </a-select> </a-col> <a-col :span="2"> <a-button @click="tableChange" type="primary" size="small">搜索</a-button> </a-col> </a-row> <hr> <a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="students" row-key="id" :pagination="pagination" @change="tableChange" :row-selection="{selectedRowKeys:ids,onChange:onSelectChange}"> <template #bodyCell="{column, record}"> <template v-if="column.dataIndex==='name'"> {{record.name + (record.sex==='男'?'(大侠)':'(女侠)')}} </template>
<template v-else-if="column.dataIndex==='operation'"> <a>修改</a> <a-divider type="vertical"></a-divider> <a-popconfirm title="确认要删除该学生吗?" ok-text="确定" cancel-text="取消" @confirm="onDelete(record.id)"> <a>删除</a> </a-popconfirm> </template> </template> </a-table> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import axios from "../api/request"; import { ref, computed } from "vue"; import { usePagination, useRequest } from "vue-request"; import { AxiosRespPage, AxiosRespString, Student, StudentQueryDto } from "../model/Model8080"; import { PaginationProps } from "ant-design-vue";
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 搜索功能开始 const dto = ref({page: 1, size: 5, name: '', sex: null, age: null})
const {data, total, run: search} = usePagination<AxiosRespPage<Student>, StudentQueryDto[]>( (d) => axios.get('/api/students/q', {params:d}), { defaultParams: [dto.value], pagination: { currentKey: "page", pageSizeKey: 'size', totalKey: 'data.data.total' } } )
function tableChange(pagination: PaginationProps) { // console.log(pagination) dto.value.page = pagination.current ?? 1 dto.value.size = pagination.pageSize ?? 5 search(dto.value) }
const pagination = computed<PaginationProps>(()=>{ return { current: dto.value.page, // 当前页 pageSize: dto.value.size, // 页大小 total: total.value, // 总记录数 showSizeChanger: true, // 显示页大小的下拉列表 pageSizeOptions: ["1","2","3","4","5"] // 自定义下拉列表内容 } })
const students = computed(()=>{ return data.value?.data.data.list || [] }) // <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 搜索功能结束
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 删除功能开始 async function onDelete(id:number) { // console.log("学生id是:"+id) await deleteById(id) // 删除请求 删除响应 search(dto.value) // 查询请求 查询响应 }
const { runAsync: deleteById } = useRequest<AxiosRespString, number[]>( (id) => axios.delete(`/api/students/${id}`), { manual: true } ) // <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 删除功能结束
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 删除选中开始 const ids = ref<number[]>([])
function onSelectChange(keys:number[]) { // console.log(keys) ids.value = keys }
async function onDeleteIds() { await deleteByIds(ids.value) ids.value = [] search(dto.value) }
const { runAsync: deleteByIds } = useRequest<AxiosRespString, number[][]>( (ids)=>axios.delete('/api/students', {data: ids}), { manual: true } )
const visible = ref(false)
function onVisibleChange(v:boolean) { if(!v) { // 希望隐藏 visible.value = false } else { // 希望显示 visible.value = ids.value.length > 0 } } // <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 删除选中结束
const columns = ref([ { title: "编号", dataIndex: "id", }, { title: "姓名", dataIndex: "name", }, { title: "性别", dataIndex: "sex", }, { title: "年龄", dataIndex: "age", }, { title: '操作', dataIndex: 'operation' } ]); </script> <style scoped> .ant-input, .ant-select { width: 80px; } </style>
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| <template> <a-modal :visible="visible" :title="title" @ok="onOk" @cancel="onCancel"> <a-form> <a-form-item label="编号" v-if="id"> <a-input readonly v-model:value="id"></a-input> </a-form-item> <a-form-item label="姓名"> <a-input v-model:value="dto.name"></a-input> </a-form-item> <a-form-item label="性别"> <a-radio-group v-model:value="dto.sex"> <a-radio-button value="男">男</a-radio-button> <a-radio-button value="女">女</a-radio-button> </a-radio-group> </a-form-item> <a-form-item label="年龄"> <a-input-number v-model:value="dto.age"></a-input-number> </a-form-item> </a-form> </a-modal> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import axios from "../api/request"; import { ref, computed } from "vue"; import { useRequest } from "vue-request"; import { StudentSaveDto, AxiosRespString } from "../model/Model8080"; import { Form } from 'ant-design-vue'
// 定义属性 const props = defineProps<{id:number, dto:StudentSaveDto, visible:boolean}>()
const title = computed(()=> props.id===0?'新增学生':'修改学生')
// 定义事件 const emit = defineEmits(['update:visible', 'saved'])
async function onOk() { if(props.id === 0) { await insert(props.dto) } else { await update(props.dto) } emit('saved') // 发送事件给父组件, 希望把 visible 改为 false emit('update:visible', false) }
function onCancel() { // 发送事件给父组件, 希望把 visible 改为 false emit('update:visible', false) }
const {runAsync:insert} = useRequest<AxiosRespString,StudentSaveDto[]>( (dto)=>axios.post('/api/students', dto), { manual: true } )
const {runAsync:update} = useRequest<AxiosRespString,StudentSaveDto[]>( (dto)=>axios.put(`/api/students/${props.id}`, dto), { manual: true } ) </script>
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| <A4Save :id="id" :dto="saveDto" v-model:visible="saveVisible"></A4Save>
<script setup lang="ts"> // ... // >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 新增、修改开始 const saveVisible = ref(false) const id = ref(0) const saveDto = reactive({name:'', sex:'男', age:18})
function onInsert() { saveVisible.value = true id.value = 0 Object.assign(saveDto, {name:'', sex:'男', age:18}) }
function onUpdate(record: Student) { saveVisible.value = true id.value = record.id Object.assign(saveDto, record) }
function onSaved() { search(dto.value) } // <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 新增、修改结束 </script>
在 request.ts 中对响应消息统一处理
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| import { message } from 'ant-design-vue'
_axios.interceptors.response.use( (response)=>{ if(response.data.message) { message.success(response.data.message, 3) } }, (error)=>{ } )
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| <template> <a-modal :visible="visible" :title="title" @ok="onOk" @cancel="onCancel"> <a-form> <a-form-item label="编号" v-if="id"> <a-input readonly v-model:value="id"></a-input> </a-form-item> <a-form-item label="姓名" v-bind="validateInfos.name"> <a-input v-model:value="dto.name"></a-input> </a-form-item> <a-form-item label="性别" v-bind="validateInfos.sex"> <a-radio-group v-model:value="dto.sex"> <a-radio-button value="男">男</a-radio-button> <a-radio-button value="女">女</a-radio-button> </a-radio-group> </a-form-item> <a-form-item label="年龄" v-bind="validateInfos.age"> <a-input-number v-model:value="dto.age"></a-input-number> </a-form-item> </a-form> </a-modal> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import axios from "../api/request"; import { ref, computed } from "vue"; import { useRequest } from "vue-request"; import { StudentSaveDto, AxiosRespString } from "../model/Model8080"; import { Form } from 'ant-design-vue'
// 定义属性 const props = defineProps<{id:number, dto:StudentSaveDto, visible:boolean}>()
const title = computed(()=> props.id===0?'新增学生':'修改学生')
// 定义事件 const emit = defineEmits(['update:visible', 'saved'])
async function onOk() { try { // 提交前校验 await validate() if(props.id === 0) { await insert(props.dto) } else { await update(props.dto) } emit('saved') // 发送事件给父组件, 希望把 visible 改为 false emit('update:visible', false) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } }
function onCancel() { // 发送事件给父组件, 希望把 visible 改为 false emit('update:visible', false) }
const {runAsync:insert} = useRequest<AxiosRespString,StudentSaveDto[]>( (dto)=>axios.post('/api/students', dto), { manual: true } )
const {runAsync:update} = useRequest<AxiosRespString,StudentSaveDto[]>( (dto)=>axios.put(`/api/students/${props.id}`, dto), { manual: true } )
const rules = ref({ name: [ {required: true, message:'姓名必须'}, {min:2, message:'字符数至少为2'} ], sex: [ {required: true, message:'性别必须'} ], age: [ {required: true, message:'年龄必须'}, {min:10, message:'年龄最小为10岁', type:'number'}, {max:120, message:'年龄最大为120岁', type:'number'} ] })
// 参数1: 待校验的数据 // 参数2: 校验规则 const { validateInfos, validate } = Form.useForm(props.dto, rules) </script>
| npm install vue-router@4
创建 router
首先创建一个 /src/router/a5router.ts 文件,在其中定义路由
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| import {createRouter, createWebHashHistory} from 'vue-router' import A51 from '../views/A51.vue' import A52 from '../views/A52.vue'
const routes = [ { path: '/a1', component: A51 }, { path: '/a2', component: A52 } ]
const router = createRouter({ history: createWebHashHistory(), routes: routes })
export default router
需要在 main.ts 中导入 router 对象:
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| import A5 from './views/A5.vue' import router from './router/a5router' createApp(A5).use(antdv).use(router).mount('#app')
A5 是根组件,不必在 router 中定义,但需要在其中定义 router-view,用来控制路由跳转后,A51、A52 这些组件的显示位置,内容如下
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| <template> <div class="a5"> <router-view></router-view> </div> </template>
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| import {createRouter, createWebHashHistory} from 'vue-router' import A51 from '../views/A51.vue' import A52 from '../views/A52.vue' const routes = [ { path: '/a3', component: () => import('../views/A53.vue') } ]
- 用 import 关键字导入,效果是打包时会将组件的 js 代码都打包成一个大的 js 文件,如果组件非常多,会影响页面加载速度
- 而 import 函数导入(动态导入),则是按需加载,即
- 当路由跳转到 /a3 路径时,才会去加载 A53 组件对应的 js 代码
- vue-router 官方推荐采用动态导入
如果希望再嵌套更深层次的路由跳转,例如:希望在 A53 组件内再进行路由跳转
首先,修改 A53.vue
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| <template> <div class="a53"> <router-view></router-view> </div> </template>
其次,再修改 /src/router/a5router.ts 文件 内容
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| import {createRouter, createWebHashHistory} from 'vue-router' import A51 from '../views/A51.vue' import A52 from '../views/A52.vue' const routes = [ { path: '/a3', component: () => import('../views/A53.vue'), children: [ { path: 'student', component: () => import('../views/A531.vue') }, { path: 'teacher', component: () => import('../views/A532.vue') } ] } ]
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| import {createRouter, createWebHashHistory} from 'vue-router' import A51 from '../views/A51.vue' import A52 from '../views/A52.vue' const routes = [ { path: '/a3', component: () => import('../views/A53.vue'), redirect: '/a3/student', children: [ { path: 'student', component: () => import('../views/A531.vue') }, { path: 'teacher', component: () => import('../views/A532.vue') } ] } ]
效果是,页面输入 /a3,紧接着会重定向跳转到 /a3/student
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| import {createRouter, createWebHashHistory} from 'vue-router' import A51 from '../views/A51.vue' import A52 from '../views/A52.vue' const routes = [ { path: '/a1', component: A51 }, { path: '/a2', component: A52 }, { path: '/:pathMatcher(.*)*', redirect: '/a2' } ]
效果是,当页面输入一个不存在路径 /aaa 时,会被 path: '/:pathMatcher(.*)*'
匹配到,然后重定向跳转到 A52 组件去
借助 antdv 的 layout 组件,可以实现主页【上】【左】【右】布局
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| <template> <div class="a53"> <a-layout> <a-layout-header></a-layout-header> <a-layout> <a-layout-sider></a-layout-sider> <a-layout-content> <router-view></router-view> </a-layout-content> </a-layout> </a-layout> </div> </template> <style scoped> .a53 { height: 100%; background-color: rgb(220, 225, 255); background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Ctext x='35' y='10' font-size='14' font-family='system-ui, sans-serif' text-anchor='middle' dominant-baseline='middle'%3EA53(主页)%3C/text%3E%3C/svg%3E"); padding: 20px; box-sizing: border-box; } .ant-layout-header { height: 50px; background-color:darkseagreen; }
.ant-layout-sider { background-color:lightsalmon; }
.ant-layout-content { background-color: aliceblue; }
.ant-layout-footer { background-color:darkslateblue; height: 30px; }
.ant-layout { height: 100%; }
.ant-layout-has-sider { height: calc(100% - 50px); } </style>
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| <template> <div class="a53"> <a-layout> <a-layout-header></a-layout-header> <a-layout> <a-layout-sider> <a-menu theme="dark" mode="inline"> <a-menu-item :key="1"> <router-link to="/a3/student">菜单1</router-link> </a-menu-item> <a-menu-item :key="2"> <router-link to="/a3/teacher">菜单2</router-link> </a-menu-item> <a-menu-item :key="3">菜单3</a-menu-item> <a-sub-menu :key="4" title="菜单4"> <a-menu-item :key="41">菜单41</a-menu-item> <a-menu-item :key="42">菜单42</a-menu-item> </a-sub-menu> </a-menu> </a-layout-sider> <a-layout-content> <router-view></router-view> </a-layout-content> </a-layout> </a-layout> </div> </template>
- a-menu-item 与 a-sub-menu 都必须为 key 属性唯一赋值,否则会产生混乱
- router-link 标签用来切换路由,to 是目标路由的路径
- theme 属性定义菜单的主题(默认亮色主题,dark 为暗色主题)
- mode 属性定义子菜单的展示模式(默认弹出,inline 显示在下方)
| npm install @ant-design/icons-vue
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| <template> <div class="a53"> <a-layout> <a-layout-header></a-layout-header> <a-layout> <a-layout-sider> <a-menu theme="dark" mode="inline"> <a-menu-item :key="1"> <template #icon> <highlight-outlined /> </template> <router-link to="/a3/student">菜单1</router-link> </a-menu-item> <a-menu-item :key="2"> <template #icon> <align-center-outlined /> </template> <router-link to="/a3/teacher">菜单2</router-link> </a-menu-item> <a-menu-item :key="3"> <template #icon> <strikethrough-outlined /> </template> 菜单3</a-menu-item> <a-sub-menu :key="4" title="菜单4"> <template #icon> <sort-descending-outlined /> </template> <a-menu-item :key="41">菜单41</a-menu-item> <a-menu-item :key="42">菜单42</a-menu-item> </a-sub-menu> </a-menu> </a-layout-sider> <a-layout-content> <router-view></router-view> </a-layout-content> </a-layout> </a-layout> </div> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import {HighlightOutlined, AlignCenterOutlined, StrikethroughOutlined, SortDescendingOutlined} from '@ant-design/icons-vue' </script>
- 图标组件没有全局绑定,需要 import 之后才能使用
- 用
<template #icon></template>
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| <template> <a-icon icon="highlight-outlined"></a-icon> <a-icon icon="align-center-outlined"></a-icon> <a-icon icon="strikethrough-outlined"></a-icon> <a-icon icon="sort-descending-outlined"></a-icon> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import AIcon from '../components/AIcon1.vue' </script>
方法1,使用 vue 组件
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| <script lang="ts" setup> import {HighlightOutlined, AlignCenterOutlined, StrikethroughOutlined, SortDescendingOutlined} from '@ant-design/icons-vue' const props = defineProps<{icon:string}>() </script> <template> <highlight-outlined v-if="icon==='highlight-outlined'"></highlight-outlined> <align-center-outlined v-else-if="icon==='align-center-outlined'"></align-center-outlined> <strikethrough-outlined v-else-if="icon==='strikethrough-outlined'"></strikethrough-outlined> <sort-descending-outlined v-else-if="icon==='sort-descending-outlined'"></sort-descending-outlined> </template>
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| import { h } from "vue" import * as Icons from '@ant-design/icons-vue'
interface Module { [p:string]: any }
const AIcon = (props:{icon:string}) => { const im: Module = Icons return h(im[toCamelCase(props.icon)]) }
export default AIcon
function toCamelCase(str: string) { return str.split('-') .map((e)=> e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1) ) .join('') }
方法3,使用 jsx 组件
| npm install @vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx -D
配置 vite.config.ts
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| import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue' import vueJsx from '@vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx'
export default defineConfig({ plugins: [vue(), vueJsx()] })
编写一个 Hi.tsx 组件
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| export default { props: { msg: String }, setup(props: { msg: string }) { return () => <h5>{props.msg}</h5> } }
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| <script setup lang="ts"> import Hi from '../components/Hi' </script>
<template> <Hi msg="Hello,World"></Hi> </template>
用 jsx 实现图标组件
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| import * as Icons from '@ant-design/icons-vue'
interface Module { [p:string]: any }
function toCamelCase(str: string) { return str .split("-") .map((e) => e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1)) .join(""); }
export default { props: { icon: String }, setup(props: {icon: string}) { const im: Module = Icons const tag = im[toCamelCase(props.icon)] return ()=> <tag></tag> } }
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| import { createRouter, createWebHashHistory } from 'vue-router' import { useStorage } from '@vueuse/core' import { Route, Menu } from '../model/Model8080' const clientRoutes = [ { path: '/login', name: 'login', component: () => import('../views/A6Login.vue') }, { path: '/404', name: '404', component: () => import('../views/A6NotFound.vue') }, { path: '/', name: 'main', component: () => import('../views/A6Main.vue') }, { path: '/:pathMatcher(.*)*', name: 'remaining', redirect: '/404' } ]
const router = createRouter({ history: createWebHashHistory(), routes: clientRoutes })
export const serverMenus = useStorage<Menu[]>('serverMenus', []) const serverRoutes = useStorage<Route[]>('serverRoutes', []) addServerRoutes(serverRoutes.value)
export function addServerRoutes(routeList: Route[]) { for (const r of routeList) { if (r.parentName) { router.addRoute(r.parentName, { path: r.path, component: () => import(r.component), name: r.name }) } } serverRoutes.value = routeList }
export function resetRoutes() { for (const r of clientRoutes) { router.addRoute(r) } serverRoutes.value = null serverMenus.value = null }
export default router
- addServerRoutes 函数向路由表中添加由服务器提供的路由,路由分成两部分
- clientRoutes 这是客户端固定的路由
- serverRoutes 这是服务器变化的路由,存储于 localStorage
- resetRoutes 函数用来将路由重置为 clientRoutes
- vue-router@4 中的 addRoute 方法会【覆盖】同名路由,这是这种实现的关键
- 因此,服务器返回的路由最好是 main 的子路由,这样重置时就会比较简单,用之前的 main 一覆盖就完事了
- serverMenus 变量记录服务器变化的菜单,存储于 localStorage
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| <template> <div class="login"> <a-form :label-col="{ span: 6 }" autocomplete="off"> <a-form-item label="用户名" v-bind="validateInfos.username"> <a-input v-model:value="dto.username" /> </a-form-item> <a-form-item label="密码" v-bind="validateInfos.password"> <a-input-password v-model:value="dto.password" /> </a-form-item> <a-form-item :wrapper-col="{ offset: 6, span: 16 }"> <a-button type="primary" @click="onClick">Submit</a-button> </a-form-item> </a-form> </div> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue' import { Form } from 'ant-design-vue' import { useRouter } from 'vue-router' import axios from '../api/request' import { useRequest } from 'vue-request' import { AxiosRespToken, LoginDto, AxiosRespMenuAndRoute } from '../model/Model8080' import { resetRoutes, addServerRoutes, serverMenus } from '../router/a6router' const dto = ref({username:'', password:''}) const rules = ref({ username: [ {required: true, message:'用户名必填'} ], password:[ {required: true, message:'密码必填'} ] }) const { validateInfos, validate } = Form.useForm(dto, rules) const router = useRouter() const { runAsync:login } = useRequest<AxiosRespToken, LoginDto[]>((dto)=> axios.post('/api/loginJwt', dto), {manual:true}) const { runAsync:menu } = useRequest<AxiosRespMenuAndRoute, string[]>((username)=> axios.get(`/api/menu/${username}`), {manual:true}) async function onClick() { try { await validate() const loginResp = await login(dto.value if(loginResp.data.code === 200) { // 登录成功 const token = loginResp.data.data.token const menuResp = await menu(dto.value.username) const routeList = menuResp.data.data.routeList addServerRoutes(routeList) serverMenus.value = menuResp.data.data.menuTree router.push('/') }) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } onMounted(()=>{ resetRoutes() }) </script> <style scoped> .login{ margin: 200px auto; width: 25%; padding: 20px; height: 180px; background-color: antiquewhite; } </style>
- 登录成功后去请求
- router.push 方法用来以编程方式跳转至主页路由
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| <template> <div class="a6main"> <a-layout> <a-layout-header> </a-layout-header> <a-layout> <a-layout-sider> <a-menu mode="inline" theme="dark"> <template v-for="m1 of serverMenus"> <a-sub-menu v-if="m1.children" :key="m1.id" :title="m1.title"> <template #icon><a-icon :icon="m1.icon"></a-icon></template> <a-menu-item v-for="m2 of m1.children" :key="m2.id"> <template #icon><a-icon :icon="m2.icon"></a-icon></template> <router-link v-if="m2.routePath" :to="m2.routePath">{{m2.title}}</router-link> <span v-else>{{m2.title}}</span> </a-menu-item> </a-sub-menu> <a-menu-item v-else :key="m1.id"> <template #icon><a-icon :icon="m1.icon"></a-icon></template> <router-link v-if="m1.routePath" :to="m1.routePath">{{m1.title}}</router-link> <span v-else>{{m1.title}}</span> </a-menu-item> </template> </a-menu> </a-layout-sider> <a-layout-content> <router-view></router-view> </a-layout-content> </a-layout> </a-layout> </div> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import AIcon from '../components/AIcon3' // jsx icon 组件 import { serverMenus } from '../router/a6router' </script> <style scoped> .a6main { height: 100%; background-color: rgb(220, 225, 255); box-sizing: border-box; } .ant-layout-header { height: 50px; background-color:darkseagreen; }
.ant-layout-sider { background-color:lightsalmon; }
.ant-layout-content { background-color: aliceblue; }
.ant-layout-footer { background-color:darkslateblue; height: 30px; }
.ant-layout { height: 100%; }
.ant-layout-has-sider { height: calc(100% - 50px); }
token 使用
- 获取用户信息,例如服务器端可以把用户名、该用户的路由、菜单信息都统一从 token 返回
- 前端路由跳转依据,例如跳转前检查 token,如果不存在,表示未登录,就避免跳转至某些路由
- 后端 api 访问依据,例如每次发请求携带 token,后端需要身份校验的 api 需要用到
需求:在组件 p1 里更新了数据,主页组件也同步更新显示
- storage 虽然可以实现多个组件的数据共享,但是需要【主动访问】才能获取更新后的数据
- 本例中由于没有涉及主页组件的 mounted 操作,因此并不会【主动】获取 storage 的数据
在 main.ts 中引入
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| import { createPinia } from 'pinia'
再新建 store 目录来管理共享数据,下面是 /src/store/UserInfo.ts
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| import axios from '../api/request' import { defineStore } from "pinia" import { UserInfoDto } from '../model/Model8080'
export const useUserInfo = defineStore('userInfo', { state: () => { return { username: '', name: '', sex: '' } }, actions: { async get(username: string) { const resp = await axios.get(`/api/info/${username}`) Object.assign(this, resp.data.data) }, async update(dto: UserInfoDto) { await axios.post('/api/info', dto) Object.assign(this, dto) } } })
- 由于 useRequest 必须放在 setup 函数内,这里简化起见,直接使用了 axios
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| <template> <div class="a6main"> <a-layout> <a-layout-header> <span>{{serverUsername}} 【{{userInfo.name}} - {{userInfo.sex}}】</span> </a-layout-header> <a-layout> <!-- ... --> </a-layout> </a-layout> </div> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import { onMounted } from 'vue'; import AIcon from '../components/AIcon3' // jsx icon 组件 import { serverMenus, serverUsername } from '../router/a6router' import { useUserInfo } from '../store/UserInfo' const userInfo = useUserInfo()
onMounted(()=>{ userInfo.get(serverUsername.value) }) </script>
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| <template> <div class="a6p1"> <h3>修改用户信息</h3> <hr> <a-form> <a-form-item label="用户名"> <a-input readonly v-model:value="dto.username"></a-input> </a-form-item> <a-form-item label="姓名" v-bind="validateInfos.name"> <a-input v-model:value="dto.name"></a-input> </a-form-item> <a-form-item label="性别"> <a-radio-group v-model:value="dto.sex"> <a-radio-button value="男">男</a-radio-button> <a-radio-button value="女">女</a-radio-button> </a-radio-group> </a-form-item> </a-form> <a-button type="primary" @click="onClick">确定</a-button> </div> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import { Form } from 'ant-design-vue' import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue' import { UserInfoDto } from '../model/Model8080' import { useUserInfo } from '../store/UserInfo'; const dto = ref<UserInfoDto>({ username: '', name: '', sex: '' }) const userInfo = useUserInfo() onMounted(()=>{ Object.assign(dto.value, userInfo) }) const rules = ref({ name: [ {required: true, message:'姓名必填'} ] }) const { validateInfos, validate } = Form.useForm(dto, rules) async function onClick() { try { await validate() await userInfo.update(dto.value) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } </script>
- 不能直接把 userInfo 绑定到表单,需要 dto 中转一下
- userInfo.update 和 useInfo.get 返回的都是 Promise 对象,可以配合 await 一起用